Alcor Extremadura
Alcor Extremadura is located in the basin of the river Alcarrache, which occupies approximately 80 km2 and runs from its source between the mountain formations of Sierra Brava and Sierra de Santa María, in the vicinity of Barcarrota and Salvaleón, to the south of Villanueva del Fresno, where it leaves Extremadura.
Along its 59 km you will find a landscape dominated by the pink and white of the oleanders in spring and the purple of the tamujos in winter.
As for the fauna, the most representative species is the black stork, which uses the river as a feeding area, where it can be observed from a distance while you go on one of the adventures we suggest.
You will find us at Embalse de Aguijón en Badajoz
Aguijón Reservoir: Double 35m long and 15m high zip-line descent in Badajoz
Aguijón reservoir – Badajoz
Aguijón Reservoir: Abseiling at the Aguijón Dam in Badajoz, Spain
Aguijón reservoir – Badajoz
Aguijón reservoir: 1h paddle surf rental in Aguijón reservoir in Badajoz, Spain
Aguijón reservoir – Badajoz
15-minute Banana Boat ride on the Aguijón Reservoir in Badajoz
Aguijón reservoir – Badajoz
Aguijón reservoir: 1h kayak rental in Aguijón reservoir in Badajoz, Spain
Aguijón reservoir – Badajoz
Aguijón reservoir: Multi-adventure raid circuit in Badajoz
Aguijón reservoir – Badajoz