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An image by ROCROI of kayak in the Noguera Pallaresa has been one of the winning photographs of the contest “L’aigua que ens mou” (the water that moves us) organized by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) in Instagram. The contest consisted of publishing images in this social network with the tag #acaWorldWaterDay2017.

ROCROI-l'aigua que ens mou copyMarch 22nd was World Water Day and in the afternoon, as a closing ceremony, awards were given during the institutional event held in the Palau de la Generalitat.

This photograph has been chosen among hundreds of proposals, and together with 24 more images, ROCROI’S picture has been the winner of the contest in which water was the absolut protagonist. The jury has chosen it taking into account criteria of quality, creativity and originality.

DMA2017-162The ACA, together with the Catalonia’s Department of Territory and Sustainability and Department of Education, and the collaboration of the Catalan Journalists Association and the School of Periodism of Pompeu Fabra University decided to hold this contest to celebrate World Water Day. The objective of the contest was to promote active participation in raising awareness of the sustainable management of the water cycle through Instagram.

DMA2017-118For ROCROI it has been a great recognition to receive this award, since we have been doing water activities for more than 20 years. We are extremely proud of it because the objective of the contest was to promote reflection on the importance of water and encourage the citizens to preserve it. And that is exactly what ROCROI also promotes.