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The rain will not prevent us from having a great time practicing rafting

Although today is a rainy day and it seems that it will continue like this all day, at RocRoi we don’t stop the fun!

None of our activities will be canceled due to rain, except the canyoning on some spring days.

fotografiaRocRoi2019 (10)

Do not let four drops drown your rafting plans, canoes, kayaking, ravines or any activity in the water.

Weather forecast for the next days

Between today and tomorrow the weather seems to remain unstable but Thursday and Friday the sun and good weather will prevail again.

On the weekend we hope to offer sunny and super nice rafting tours.

We don’t stop during the fall

In RocRoi we extend the river and lake season until October 15, so do not hesitate to escape an autumn weekend to come and enjoy all the activities we offer you.

Also, remember that we lend you all the equipment, you just have to bring the swimsuit (or not … 😛 ). We lend you the neoprene, the booties and the helmet at RocRoi.

Visit us at rocroi.com and let the adventure begin!