Win a 100€ voucher to spend on RocRoi activities!

There is a winner every month!

How to participate? 

1. Follow @rocroiadventure

2. Upload a photo or a Reel of your RocRoi experience on your instagram profile.

3. Tag us @rocroiadventure in your post 

4. Use the hashtag #LetsRoc

5. Share your post in your stories mentioning us.

The more posts you upload, the more chances you have to win!

*Remember, your profile must be public so we can see your post and and be eligible to enter the competition!

How will we choose the winner?

The RocRoi team team will shortlist the 3 best publications.


So, on the first Monday of each month we will publish them in the instagram stories of @rocroiadventure. So our followers can choose who will win the 100 euros, through a vote. Don’t forget that the vote will only last 24 hours and we will only count the results of the poll in our profile.


The following day, from RocRoi’s instagram account, we will announce the winner.