EXPERIENCIAS NOCTURNAS EN ANDORRA 🌒 Donde la oscuridad se encuentra con la adrenalina DescĂșbrelas

#WESTAYCONNECTED solidarity campaign against Covid-19 helps children without educational resources

#WESTAYCONNECTED was born from the union of several companies with the aim of helping foundations and associations that allocate aid to children at risk due to the lack of resources to access a decent education during the period of uncertainty generated by Covid-19.

To make your donation to the campaign, all you have to do is go to www.westayconnected.es and buy your desired T-shirts and masks for adults and children. How many more the better!


The #WESTAYCONNECTED concept and design play with the idea of ​​distance, so necessary during these pandemic days. But also how this can be overcome with the help of networks, which connect us with each other and are an essential resource to unite people no matter how far they are.

Likewise, the union between two people with the shirt forms a rainbow, which has adopted a positive message during quarantine; and a wifi network, the essential resource to connect people from one part of the planet to another.

The objective of the foundations and associations to which all the benefits will be destined, is that households with fewer resources receive aid so that children can access a decent education. But not only that, but their social workers constantly and directly follow up with the families who receive the help and support the children. The REIR Foundation is one of the organizations that have already agreed to join the project to help these children. Although the project hopes to receive more organizations that want to join the cause.

This common project is the result of the union of companies Stikets, The Etailers, RocRoi Adventure Center, PaddleInSpain, Coia, BARTER, Markamania, Benito, Novatilu, TodoOutdoor, Roselló Mallol, Hoy Voy, Disjob, Hotel Desitges and ServiLogi.  Although it is not a closed project, any interested company can contact any of the companies already involved to become part of the project.

Click now on www.westayconnected.es and help buy your solidarity t-shirt and mask now!

Remember to share this initiative with all your friends, put on your shirt and mask, take a photo or a video and share your solidarity with your social networks with the hashtag #WESTAYCONNECTED.