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Spring Rafting

We are sure that you have seen or read in the media that this Spring we are having an exceptional season, with big water and fantastic flows for rafting. The snowfalls this Winter have been heavy and abundant. This Spring is also quite cold, and as a result, the snow has started melting later than usual and all of a sudden. In fact, the thaw started with the rafting season already underway. Thus, we now have a fast, happy, awesome river!


At RocRoi, safety kayaks go along all and every activity we do in the river during the whole season. But it is in Spring that their work is more essential. In addition, in episodes like this, we must do an exhaustive follow-up of the river to guarantee the total safety of the descents. And in today’s post, we want to explain to you how the water levels in the river are measured.


The Ebro Hydrographic Configuration (CHE) provides data on river flows (m3 x second) in real time. Obviously, this is a very important data to know the state of the river at all times and the evolution of the flow hour by hour. But this information is not enough to take the right decisions for the daily activities in the center. We need more data, field data. Something as simple as the direct river observation. On the bridge of Llavorsí there is a meter which measures the height of the river at each moment. The combination of these two data (flow in m3 x second and height of the river in cm) allows us to know the characteristics of the river at each moment. For this reason, on some days we’ve had to vary the stretches of rafting activities. In the case of hydrospeed and open kayak in the river we have also selected the safest sections to enjoy these experiences.