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One more year, we are launching the summer campuses of Vilanova i La Geltrú. And this year, our Summer campuses incorporate more sports than ever before. There will be paddle surf, sailing, volley beach, kayaking, football, pedalos, sand games, water games… and much more! Here you have all the details, so you can organize your family summer in advance.


New in 2018
We also have two new campus modalities: Kids and Junior. We have decided to make a clear distribution by ages, so that the small children are more closely supervised and can play sports according to their level, enjoying the experience in the safest way.

The importance of security
At RocRoi, we give great importance to safety, and this is the reason why our equipments are certified and renewed annually. In addition, this year, apart from our guides, there will be a lifeguard for our activities, who will be at all times aware of all the children who participate in our campus. In addition, last year we had our own lifeguard in our campus, apart from our guides, who were at all times aware of all the children who participated in the campuses. The result was very positive, and we will repeat this experience this year as well.

Captura de pantalla 2018-05-09 a les 12.59.35

Some aspects of our campus to have into account:
-Free extented care option from 8 to 9 a.m.
-The Sailing and Surf-SUP campuses don’t offer the lunch option. If you want to combine these campuses with the All sports campus in the afternoon, you’ll have to pick up the child at 2:00 and come back at 3:00. English, Kids and Junior campus do offer the possibility of staying for lunch, and they can be combined later with All Sports campus in the afternoon.
-Discount for siblings: 10% for the 2nd brother and 20% for the 3rd

More info and bookings: casal@rocroi.com