You have not yet participated in our #rocroisequedaencasa contest? Do not wait, take your partner and children and participate now to win a GoPro and a rafting descent from LlavorsĂ to Rialp 14km.
RocRoi launches a contest #rocroisequedaencasa in which the participants must simulate a rafting trip at home with everything nearby: pots, shovels, kitchen utensils, blankets, hoses, cushions, etc. The more creative the better!
Para participar correctamente en el concurso los participantes deberĂĄn hacer un video de 20” o 30” simulando una bajada de rĂĄfting desde su casa. Podran usar todo tipo de material: tu sofĂĄ, sillas, ollas, palas, patinetes… ÂĄLo que se les ocurra!
The steps to participate are:
1. Follow @rocroiadventure and @goproes
2. Post the video on their open instagram profiles with the hashtags #rocroisequedaencasa and #HomePro, mentioning @rocroiadventure and @goproes
3. Share your video in your stories to have more possibilities with the hashtag #rocroisequedaencasa and #HomePro, mentioning @rocroiadventure and @goproes
4. Luck! Participants will compete for the prize of a GoPro Hero7 Silver and a rafting descent with RocRoi
The contest is valid until April 11, 2020 to present all the videos that the participants want, there is no limit of videos per participant.
So do not think twice: participate now and we want to see your creativity and your desire to raft!
Those who have already participated have done so đ
Participate now and send us your video to  @rocroiadventure!