The benefits that the seas and oceans provide for life in our daily lives are innumerable. They influence weather phenomena, regulate climate, produce the oxygen we breathe and are home to countless marine species, which are essential for the maintenance of these balances.
Despite this, the richness of the seabed, its ecosystems and the biodiversity they harbour are currently under threat. One example is the Mediterranean Sea. Today, it is threatened by a host of detrimental impacts caused by human activity, such as overfishing, destructive fishing techniques, pollution and climate change. As a result, the Mediterranean is steadily degrading.
At RocRoi, we have a team of environmentally conscious professionals, which is why, since the beginning, we are a company committed to all those actions in defence of the natural environment.
Because of this, collaboration with other entities dedicated to the defence of the marine environment, such as the Associació Cetàcea, has arisen.
Associació Cetàcea is a non-profit, self-financed and self-managed organisation whose main objectives are to develop projects and campaigns focused on research and conservation of the Catalan coast. For this reason, they have 3 independent but coordinated areas, where campaigns and educational and training, conservation and research projects are carried out.
Associació Cetàcea offers the opportunity to contribute personally to the projects and campaigns they work on, such as Foto-Identificació: Balenes i dofins al litoral català.
This project aims to study the cetacean communities that can be seen along the Garraf coast. To find out what species of cetaceans live there, what their habitats are and to study in depth the type of relationships they have and their identification. It is a non-invasive project that bases its operation on the collection of geographical and environmental data and on the behaviour and composition of the groups of the species observed, taking photographs of all the individuals sighted.
The collaboration between RocRoi and Associació Cetàcea aims to work together for environmental conservation and to improve the marine living conditions of the mammals that inhabit our waters and that are in danger of extinction.
In this way, the aim is to raise awareness of the importance of caring for and protecting the marine environment through sport and outdoor adventure activities, bringing together experiences that promote sustainable practices in sports tourism.