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What do you need to bring along and how should we get ready for a river activity?

To clarify any doubts that you may have when coming to do river activities in Llavorsí, today in our blog we will explain what you need to do before starting the activity

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Let’s start with what you shall bring along: only a swimsuit and a towel. In the case of canyoning, alsoclosed-in sport footwear that can get wet. And that’s all! The rest of the technical equipment you may need we’ll be provided by RocRoi in the activity center, which is 2km from Llavorsí, at km140 of the C-13. There is a huge sign on the road, impossible to miss!

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The time of arrival to RocRoi activity center is stated on your booking confirmation. Once you arrive, you can park you car in our carpark free of charge. Then, you have to go to the reception desk which is on the second floor of the building. Once there, we will confirm your reservation and will give the indications to organize the group and pick up the equipment. You can change clothes in the locker room of our facilities. You have to leave your things in the car, and we’ll keep the car keys for you in the reception.

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Once equipped, we will drive you in our vans to the starting point of the river activity (except in the case of canyoning, in which you have to bring your own vehicle to the starting point). The RocRoi instructor will give you all necessary explanations to ensure a comfortable and safe activity. And that’s all, now it’s just time to enjoy sport and nature!!!